MTEC SFX at the Global Music Stores
Charts / Promote & Distribute
Song Contests
MTEC feat. Udio AI (Beta)
MTEC feat. Tracksy AI (Beta)
Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 MTEC Ⓜ SFX Label: MTEC Ⓜ SFX Artist: DJ MTEC Ⓜ SFX BIO: Explore my identity as DJ MTEC_SFX artist, the world/scene i am relevant to or operating in, and what i was and i am now promoting: My profile as a solo artist or influencer to license my music to Content Creators or do collabs. If you would like to discuss a business opportunity with me, Whether you're interested in collaborations, sponsorships, or other business partnerships, I am always open to hearing new ideas and exploring potential opportunities. Thanks for checkin ! New: Trending: Artificial Intelligence Technology co-created Music and Multimedia Creative Ideas ○ Free Online Event Guide ○ AI Community Party Club Tours & Pub Crawls ○ Promotional Use Only ... Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 MTEC Ⓜ SFX Trend idea ... for you & me .. for the world! A daily research of melodic innovations! A journey into future dimensions of the sound waves! ... a new melody every day, .. a new rythm, .. a new musical philosophy ... an unknown music adventure every day ... a surprise box from "i like it! ..or don't like" , or is it your technological time capsule in new sound worlds? ... beam through thoughts ... daydream ... time travel ... to relax to the time & space continuum or to dance at your party time! ... We will discover a symphony of the feel GOOD mood everyday! through positive MTEC SFX Vibes! PlEASE DONT FORGET FOLLOW LIKE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE THE MUSIC VIBE ! Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 MTEC Ⓜ SFX About: 1. Songcontest 2024 from 30-08-2024 - 30-10-2024 Check here the Songs from MTEC SFX feat. Udio AI The Best Songs from MTEC SFX with most user interactions will be released at global online music stores 2025! 🎵 About: 2. Songcontest 2025 from - Stay tuned for news- featured on this channels: Whats About? aiMusicClub is for Music Lovers which like to discover dimensions beyond of the mainstream music. The concept is easy! You are the music jury of the aiMusicCharts! Daily MTEC MusiQ TechniQ SFX Tracks are presented at Social Media and the Songs with Best Attention Results are on Top of the Charts. Most Views, Likes & Comments. 1. SONGCONTEST: You decide if a new AI powered Music Track will be TERMINATED at this socialmedia channel album or will be further developed to qualify for the Top10 Charts! Join the @aiBattleRoyal at TikTok!. Every Click counts! With 100 Clicks/Views at least the clips stay in the gallery. The Music Preview Clips need minimum 300 Clicks/Views to be further developed ... This Tracks will be released by MTEC SFX and soon you can check them out at worlds best music stores. Every Week on Sunday it will be presented a TOP of Charts Clip of MTEC MusiQ TechniQ SFX at the aiMusicCharts. aiMusicClub is interactive in developement by MTEC. So if you want to keep monitoring and scanning best is to visit regulary this page or you subscribe on social media because the profile names are possibly changing. MUSIC CHARTS: The Best Songs will be featured in the aiMusicCharts ! Check here all of the YouTube aiMusicCharts and the TikTok aiMusicCharts. All of your views, likes and comments count in the Charts! Have fun by checking out AI powered Music by MTEC SFX! Finding your 'Flow State'Flow is a concept introduced by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist and author of best-selling book 'Flow'. He defined Flow as a state of mind in which a person is fully absorbed in and focused on an activity, leading to increased creativity, productivity, and well-being. It is the calm, focused state of mind familiar to ballerinas, scientists, potters, and all of us who get carried away while doing our thing. - i found this quote at: ENDEL.IO MTEC Ⓜ SFX (feat. AI Technology) ● MusiQ TechniQ ● SFX Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 Trending: Artificial Intelligence Technology co-created Music Free Online Event Guide ● Promotional Use Only ● Impressum Personal Web Sites: Homepage Kontakt: Videojournalist / Multimedia Artist Creator / Music Producing DJ: Patrick Krankl (MTEC Ⓜ SFX) from Austria Let's work together! Brand, sponsorship & business inquiries: MTEC Ⓜ SFX ● Ownership of AI Content created by: MTEC SFX (feat. Udio AI) - Ownership of Content ● MusiQ TechniQ SFX Collections ● MTEC SFX featuring Artificial Intelligence Technology ● MISSION UNTERSTÜTZEN: FOLGEN ● LIKEN ● ABONNIEREN UNTERSTÜTZEN IN SOZIALEN MEDIEN Spüren Sie den Beat, abonnieren Sie, wenn es Ihnen gefällt,ignorieren Sie es nicht, wenn Sie mehr wollen! :) Udio AI handhabt die Rechte an den von Nutzern erstellten Inhalten folgendermaßen: 1. Udio erhebt keinen Anspruch auf das Eigentum an den von Nutzern generierten Inhalten, einschließlich der Ausgaben, die als Reaktion auf die Eingaben der Nutzer erstellt werden[2]. 2. Nutzer können ihre generierten Ausgaben sowohl für persönliche als auch für kommerzielle Zwecke verwenden, solange sie die Nutzungsbedingungen einhalten[2]. 3. Bei öffentlicher Verwendung oder Verbreitung der Ausgaben müssen Nutzer einen deutlichen Hinweis anbringen, dass der Inhalt mit Udio's Diensten generiert wurde[2]. 4. Nutzer dürfen die heruntergeladenen Songs anderer Personen nur für persönliche, nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke verwenden[3]. 5. Das System blockiert die Verwendung urheberrechtlich geschützter Songtexte und ersetzt Künstlernamen durch passende Tags, um Nachahmung zu vermeiden[3]. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die rechtliche Situation bezüglich KI-generierter Inhalte komplex ist. In den USA kann derzeit niemand das Urheberrecht für KI-generierte Werke beanspruchen, da das US-Urheberrechtsamt nur menschlich geschaffene Werke schützt[2]. Die Rechtslage in diesem Bereich entwickelt sich weiter, und es gibt laufende rechtliche Herausforderungen in der Musikindustrie bezüglich KI-generierter Musik[3]. Citations:[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] MTEC Ⓜ SFX feat. AITecAlle Inhalte fördern nur meine persönliche Marke als Multimedia-Künstler "MTEC Ⓜ SFX", die von mir "Handarbeit (meine menschliche IQ-Creativitäts Technologie, hergestellt mit Unterstützung durch verschiedener AI Assistenz Software/ Instrumente der modernsten generativen künstlichen Intelligenz-Technologien von heute) enthält und erstellt wird auf moderster Hardware powered by NVIDIA und promoted bei den magnifiizierenden Soczialen Medien und Musik Distributoren - was zu einer Verschmelzung von menschlichem IQ und KI-IQ führt und eine Reise in zukünftige Dancefloor Banger Musik Dimensionen.Alle Inhalte werden erstellt, ohne dass ich für die mit den AI Tec-Systemen erstellten Inhalte bezahlt oder entschädigt werde. Die erstellte Multimedia-Kunst ist nicht kommerziell - nur für eigene Künstler Werbezwecke oder wird in Zukunft ihren Status ändern, aber ich werde sie aktualisieren oder Sie können sie mit offiziellen Werbe-Widgets des Musikvertriebs anzeigen. Aber es gibt keine Kauf- oder Shop-Option innerhalb meines Homepage-Systems. Die kommerzielle Option zum Kauf eines Songs wird nur von den Diensten der Musikvertriebe/Musik-Communitys wie ReverbNation, Audius, … bereitgestellt.All meine Multimedia-Inhalte werden mithilfe der KI-Systemunterstützung (angetrieben durch KI oder mit … KI) generiert.In der Metabeschreibung der erstellten Multimedia-Kunst habe ich alle verwendeten KI-Systeme (KI-Assistenten/Generatoren/Agenten) angegeben/zugeschrieben. Anwendungen).Das Gesetz zum Urheberrechtsschutz für KI-generierte Werke ist komplex und ändert sich ständig, und das Gesetz kann je nach Gerichtsbarkeit unterschiedlich sein. MTEC SFX kommt aus Österreich / EU dem Recht der Europäischen Union gilt der Filmregisseur als "Autor" oder einer der Autoren eines Films, was größtenteils auf den Einfluss der Autorentheorie zurückzuführen ist.[17] Die Autorentheorie ist ein Konzept der Filmkritik, das besagt, dass der Film eines Filmregisseurs die persönliche kreative Vision des Regisseurs widerspiegelt, als wäre er der primäre "Auteur" (das französische Wort für "Autor").[18] Obwohl - und manchmal gerade weil - der Film in einem industriellen Produktionsprozess hergestellt wird, ist die kreative Stimme des Autors deutlich genug, um durch die Einmischung des Studios und den kollektiven Prozess hindurchzuscheinen. ENGLISH Personal Social Media Profiles: ● SUPPORT MISSION: FOLLOW ● LIKE ● SUBSCRIBE SUPPORT ON SOCIAL MEDIA Feel the beat, subscribe if you like,don't ignore, if u want more ! :)MTEC Ⓜ SFX feat. AITec All content promotes only my personal brand as Multimedia Artist "MTEC Ⓜ SFX" which is featuring and is created by me "handwork (my human prompt IQ technology crafted" with different of todays cutting edge generative Artificial Intelligence Technology - which results in a fusion of human IQ and AI IQ. All content is created without getting paid or compensated for the content produced using the AI Tec Systems. The Multimedia Art created is non-commercial - promotional use only or in future it will change status, but i will update or you its viewable with official promotinal widgets from the music distributor. But there is no buying or shop option available inside of my homepage system. The commercial option to buy a song is only provided by the music distributors services/ music communities like ReverbNation, Audius, ... By all of my multimedia content is its generated using the AI Systems Assistance (powered by AI or featuring ... AI).In the created multimedia art meta description i credited/attributed all of the used AI Systems (AI Assistants/ Generator/ Agents Applications). The law regarding copyright protection over AI-generated works is complex and constantly changing, and the law may vary by jurisdiction. Under European Union law, the film director is considered the "author" or one of the authors of a film, largely as a result of the influence of auteur theory.[17] Auteur theory is a film criticism concept that holds that a film director's film reflects the director's personal creative vision, as if they were the primary "auteur" (the French word for "author").[18] In spite of-and sometimes even because of-the production of the film as part of an industrial process, the auteur's creative voice is distinct enough to shine through studio interference and the collective process. SFX theory of everything: Lifes a special effect! The Magnificent X Promotion Team Effect ;) (restricted / banned) TikTok Songcontest (beendet) Accounts: Charts / Songcontest / Playlisten: IHR DIE COMMUNITY HABT ENTSCHIEDEN darüber, ob MTEC SFX-Clips in der Galerie der sozialen Medien bleiben! Jede Menge TikTok & YouTube 30 Sek. Short RMX Clips erreichten das 99 Klicks/Ansichten (+ Konstante / benötigte Energie Level) und sind für Euch gratis zu erkunden! Leider gabs auch jede Menge sehr guter Music Clips die aber als - Variable gelöscht wurden, weil der Algorythmus den Energie Level nicht erreicht hat. IHR DIE COMMUNITY ENTSCHEIDET darüber, ob MTEC SFX-Musik Clips in den weltweiten Musik App Stores veröffentlicht werden! Jetzt exklusive bei ReverbNation MTEC SFX anhören/ bewerten und mit entscheiden was in Zukunft weiter vermarktet wird. Die BESTEN MTEC SFX Songs mit mehr als 300 Klicks werden dann 2025 auch bei den grossen Global Music Onlinestores angeboten werden. Alle Infos dazu findet Ihr hier: TEAM MTEC SFX Chill:Spüre Entspannung, Schlaf, Regeneration und die Energie des Universums und darüber hinaus, entdecke mittels der SFX-theory of everthing zukünftige Dimensionen von Klangwelten. Dance:coole fitness Power, enorme Muntermacher-Kraft, Energy Euphoria Party Stimmung und vieles Mehr wann immer du willst. Reise in zukünftige Dimensionen der Klang Welten ein, die vor der Erfindung der KI nicht möglich waren, und nun durch die durch MTEC SFX (menschlicher IQ / Erfinder/ Creator von neuen Ideen) in Zusammenarbeit mit neuester Künstlicher Intelligenz Technology/ IQ) die Bahnbrechende Magnetic Fusion von human iQ + technology iQ = den Quantensprung in die MusiQ TechniQ Komposition: Frequenz Future Sound Wave Synchronisierung deines Musik Bewusstseins erlebst du mittels Quantum IQ Reisen (Gedanken Vernetzung beim Hören von unsere MusiQ TechniQ SFX) und erfahre Zeitreisen mit neuen Perspektiven. Nach 3 Songs von MTEC SFX bist du synchronisiert und dann beamst du dich durch die Einstein Rosen Brücken (Einsteins Zeitreise Portale / Mach Principles) mit deinen Quantum IQ SFX Photonen. & bietet dir hochwirksame und stimulierende Musik powered by Artificial Intelligence an, die deine Musik Skills und dein Party Wisdom verjüngern und für immer mit den neuesten Spezial Effekten verändern! Probiere es jetzt aus! Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 MTEC Ⓜ SFX ROADMAP: Hey Cool & Happy Clubbers! Check here all Data about the "Game Playbook" & the Mission of creating aiMusicCharts & lot more! LEVEL 1 2024 finished thank you for checking the tracks! 2025 coming soon All TikTok MTEC Preview Music Clips with more than 300 Klicks/ Views are leveling up in the Cyber City Dancefloore Charts and MTEC SFX will create full song with MusiQ TechniQ SFX remixing to a Nr. 1 Dancefloor Banger and this tracks with lot most audience attraction will be released to the global music stores. But hey, thats whats really interesting! You are the music expert! What do you think? Can one of MTEC SFX Tracks be a Nr1. Dancefloor Banger around the World ??? LEVEL 2 2024 finished 2025 coming soon Check the aiMusicCharts Videos! LEVEL 3 activated: For Updates Follow Check directly the development at this stores: Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 MTEC Ⓜ SFX Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 a fusion of Human & AI creativity When people ask me if I went to film school, I tell them, "No, I went to films." - Quentin Tarantino Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 MTEC Ⓜ SFX Summer 2024 MTEC created the first aiMusicCharts with Udio AI !!! Here some Insider Tips : Common Commands in Lyrics – Udio Help Center Tips - Unofficial Community Udio Generation-tips DRAFT - Google Docs You can check it at: is an exciting new generative AI music startup that has recently emerged from stealth into full power mode! Here are some key facts about Udio and its notable investors: And yes, there has been a song featuring Udio that has charted! The AI-generated song titled **“Verknallt in einen Talahon”** (“In Love With A Talahon”) has made its way into the German pop charts, reaching number 48. This song is notable as it is considered the first fully AI-generated track to chart in Germany and possibly in any major music territory[1]. Based on the search results, the AI-generated song "Verknallt in einen Talahon" by German producer Butterbro is currently the most notable AI-generated track to chart. Here are the key details: Udio's prompt engine is a key feature of their AI-powered music creation platform. Here are the main points about Udio's prompt engine: Summer 2023 MTEC feat Tracksy AI The first aiMusicCharts of the World created by MTEC SFX with tracksy AI !!! You can check it at: Based on the search results, here are some key facts about Story: MTEC SFX feat. Perplexity AI This is a journey into sound MTEC Ⓜ SFX Featuring " The World's First AI Technology powered Music Charts " Music & Multi Media Creator powered by AI ABOUT CREATOR PROMPT TECHNIC: MTEC Ⓜ SFX features songs uniquely created through a collaboration between human creativity and AI technology. All songs are engineered by MTEC from Austria one single human creator who crafts prompts and lyrics using one specific AI engine: udio-32. This innovative process generates 32-second clips with all the special effects formula (SFX), allowing the creator to engineer the sound structure through a universe of dimensions with multiple choice sound selections. This unique approach combines human artistry with AI capabilities to produce the world's first AI-generated music charts." MTEC Ⓜ SFX 2025: MUSIC RELEASES DISTRIBUTION UPCOMING .. .. .. Best Of Chart DanceFloor Bangers! Full Song Versions! Song Timeframe: 2 ∼ 3 Minutes Producer/Creator (Human): MTEC Ⓜ SFX Label: MTEC Ⓜ SFX Artist: MTEC Ⓜ SFX Featuring: MTEC Ⓜ SFX Feat. Udio AI Band: aiMusicClub Band: aiMusicCharts Status: Nov. 2024 STARTED Follow development at: ReverbNation, Audius, Collabhouse, tunego (NFT), sound, soundcloud ... YOU THE COMMUNITY DECIDE about if MTEC SFX Music will be released at the global musicstore apps! All TikTok MTEC Preview Music Clips with more than 300 Klicks/ Views are leveling up in the Cyber City Dancefloore Charts and MTEC SFX will create full song with MusiQ TechniQ SFX remixing to a Nr. 1 Dancefloor Banger and this tracks with lot most audience attraction will be released to the global music stores. Subscribe to the NEWSLETTER to be informed! FOLLOW LIKE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE THE MUSIC VIBE ! Last Update: Sunday 9th Feb 2025 MTEC Ⓜ SFX UPCOMING ! .. .. .. stay tuned! Best Of MTEC_SFX Featured at aiMusicClub Top of the aiMusicCharts DanceFloorBanger Songs choosen by the community! will be 2025 released at the global music app stores. Stay tuned for news! MTEC SFX 001 hot 3 Songs globally When people ask me if I went to film school, I tell them, "No, I went to films." - Quentin Tarantino "No, I went to ischgl, miami, ibiza & berlin to party." - MTEC Ⓜ SFX About Artist
Red Bull (1 Lokal)(1 National)(77 EU)(90 Global)
Red Bull is ranked 2nd in the global food and drink brands list.
Wien Barkeeper,
Miami: Barkeeper
Ibiza: Nightclub Events Promotion Ticketsale Manager
Ibiza: Beachparty Events Manager, Promotor, Animateur Dj
Ischgl: Apres Ski - Barkeeper, Animateur Dj
Berlin: Restaurant Manager (berliner republik)
Berlin: Segway Tour Operator / Tourguide / CEO - owner (segberlinways - cooltourings)
Wien, Ibiza, Berlin: Webpage Admin (Joomla/ Wordpress) / Social Media Pages (berliner republik, tantraibiza, segberlinways, ..)
please feel free to contact: About?
Copyright EU
2024 / 2025
MTEC SFX / Band Playlists:
Label & Band
2024 / 2025
When people ask me if I went to music school, I tell them, "No, I went to ischgl, miami, ibiza & berlin to party." - MTEC Ⓜ SFX - music producing dj
About AI Tech
## Udio AI Overview
- Founded by former researchers from Google's DeepMind AI division
- Raised $10 million in seed funding
- Launched an AI-powered song creation platform
- Can generate a fully mastered track within 40 seconds based on text prompts
- Allows users to further customize and remix generated tracks
- Aims to make music creation accessible to both amateurs and professionals
## Key Features
- Users input genre, lyrics, and artistic influences via text prompts
- AI generates a complete song in under 40 seconds
- "Remix" feature allows further customization through text-based inputs
- Includes a social component for sharing and collaboration
## Notable Investors
- Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) - Lead investor, prominent Silicon Valley venture capital firm
- - Musician, producer, and technology entrepreneur
- Common - Grammy-winning rapper and actor
- Mike Krieger - Co-founder of Instagram
- Oriol Vinyals - Head of Google's Gemini AI initiative
- UnitedMasters - DIY music distribution platform valued at $550 million
- Kevin Wall - Producer of Live Earth and Live 8 concerts
- Tay Keith - Music producer
## Leadership
- David Ding - CEO and Co-founder
- Andrew Sanchez - COO
- Other co-founders: Conor Durkan, Charlie Nash, Yaroslav Ganin
## Industry Positioning
- Aims to benefit both artists and musicians
- In discussions with artists about leveraging AI in their workflows
- Focused on addressing copyright concerns and providing financial control to artists
- Currently free to use while in development
Udio's impressive list of investors and its innovative approach to AI-generated music position it as a significant player in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and music creation[1][2][3][4][5].
The creation of this song involved the German producer Butterbro, who utilized AI for generating the music, vocals, and artwork. It was initially crafted as a light-hearted joke but gained unexpected popularity, reflecting a blend of retro pop styles with contemporary themes[1]. In the official German charts, the song is credited as “Verknallt in einen Talahon (feat.,” highlighting Udio's involvement in its production[1].Chart Performance
Unique Characteristics
## Functionality
- Allows users to generate music based on text prompts
- Can create fully mastered tracks within 40 seconds
- Enables users to specify genre, lyrics, story direction, and artistic influences
## Input Options
- Genre selection (e.g., barbershop quartet, country, classical, hip hop, German pop, hard rock)
- Lyrical content
- Narrative direction
- Artist inspirations
## Output and Customization
- Generates two initial song versions based on prompts
- Offers a "remix" feature for further customization through additional text prompts
- Produces 30-second song segments, extendable in 30-second increments
## Vocal Generation
- Uses a large language model (LLM) for lyric creation
- Praised for generating realistic and emotionally expressive vocals
## User Experience
- Designed to be accessible for users with minimal musical ability
- Balances simplicity for casual users with power and flexibility for professionals
- Interface focuses on descriptive inputs, catering to musicians' ability to articulate musical ideas
## AI Technology
- Developed by former Google DeepMind researchers
- Exact process for music generation has not been publicly disclosed as of April 2024
## Unique Selling Points
- Offers more personalization options compared to some competitors
- Produces "fuller and richer" sounds than some other text-to-music generators
- Aims to create music indistinguishable from professionally produced tracks
Udio's prompt engine is designed to make music creation accessible to a wide range of users, from casual creators to professional musicians, by translating text descriptions into fully realized musical compositions[2][3][4].
## Overview
- Tracksy is an AI-powered music assistant and generation tool
- It allows users to create custom music tracks using text prompts
- The platform is designed for both amateur and professional creators
## Features
- Text-to-music generation capability
- Customization options for style, duration, intensity, and format
- Ability to save tracks in a personal library
- Options for full buyouts and commercial use of generated music
## User Experience
- Intuitive interface for easy music creation
- Generates music within seconds based on text prompts
- Offers a wide range of genres and styles
## Use Cases
- Helps overcome writer's block and sparks creativity
- Useful for musicians, filmmakers, content creators, and other artists
- Can be used to create background music for videos, podcasts, and other media
## Pricing
- Offers a free-to-start option
- Paid subscription plans available for advanced features and commercial use
## Recognition
- Endorsed by Grammy winners and nominees, as well as other industry professionals
- Praised for its high-quality output and ease of use
## Technology
- Utilizes advanced AI and machine learning for music generation
- Offers both Tracksy Create and Tracksy Revamp tools
While appears to be a powerful and user-friendly AI music generation tool, it's important to note that it is distinct from Udio, which was mentioned in your previous queries. Tracksy and Udio are separate AI music generation platforms with their own unique features and capabilities.
[8] Quality
A journey which along the way will bring to you
New color, new dimension, new value
Featuring AI Technology Artist Assistant Engine
Udio v1.5
Year 2024
Audio-Stream: .mp3
MPEG Audio
320 kb/s, 48,0 kHz, 2 Kanäle, MPEG Audio (Version 1)(Layer 3)(Joint stereo) or (Joint stereo /MS stereo)
Audio-Stream: Wave / PCM: .wav
1536 kb/s, 48,0 KHz, 16 bits, 2 Kanäle, PCM (Little/Signed)Proof Of Fun!
When people ask me if I went to music school, I tell them,